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Myanmar to award license to Yatanarpon Public Company

2014-02-10 14:55:27| Source:

The Myanmar Ministry of Communications and Information Technology is planning to award a telecom license to Yatanarpon Public Company to run communication services across the nation, Telecompaper reported.

The ministry previously signed nationwide license agreements with foreign telecom companies Telenor and Ooredoo. The ministry-controlled Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications (MPT) was the sole operator for a long time. Ooredoo will employ Myanmar nationals for 90 percent of its positions, provide telephony services and launch its service on 4G. It will also provide aid for Myanmar\'s social and education sectors. The operator will also manufacture and sell mobile handsets in Myanmar. It is in talks with retailers to distribute handsets. Telenor will provide 2G and 3G networks and use HSPA and LTE technologies to install mobile networks. Both Ooredoo and Telenor will charge calls initially at $0.025(25 kyat) per minute and sell sim cards at $1.50 (1,500 kyat) each. Yatanarpon Teleport Company is currently selling Internet lines and pre-paid cards and also investing in other businesses.

The four telecom companies (including MPT) will also participate in fair competition, the ministry said.
