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Telstra looking upward for 4G LTE services

2014-05-12 15:48:29| Source:

Telstra is looking to take its 4G LTE network up in the sky, and is hoping to have a commercial service up and running for passengers within a couple of years, reports, which explains that the operator has tested its network over the main commercial route between Melbourne and Sydney, with early results showing consistent data throughput of up to 15megabits per second (Mbps), with an average of 10 Mbps. 

Telstra’s executive director of networks, Mike Wright, has said that they are planning to run additional tests later this year, but that the data so far confirms the service’s feasibility. The testing was done on four LTE towers, utilizing spectrum on the 5 MHz band. Wright went on to say that Telstra’s next move is to begin discussions on the spectrum needed for the service, which it could buy, license or lease.
