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Videos eat up 50% mobile data

2014-05-29 16:45:23| Source:


Jean-Christophe Laneri, mobile broadband solution director of Ericsson Northeast Asia, delivers a speech at an Ericsson workshop in Beijing, May 27, 2014.

Mobile users spent 80 percent of total usage time on apps in 2013, and that is projected to grow to 86 percent in 2014, according to Flurry Analytics.

Almost half of mobile data traffic comprises of video content, which is predicted to surge in the next five years, according to Ericsson, the world\'s leading provider of telecommunications equipment & services.


Source: Flurry Analytics/Ericsson

Thus in the era of mobile broadband and 4G, the broadband speed or downlink speed will be the key to enhance user experience, said Chang Gang, chief marketing officer of Ericsson (China) Communications Co Ltd, at an Ericsson workshop in Beijing Tuesday.

Telecom operators\' constant investment on network quality will bring them economic benefits through saving costs and increasing revenues, according to a report by Ericsson.

The report studied telecom operators in the US, Mexican and Brazilian markets, and found that as operators added 10 percent in capital expenditure each year, they all saw increase in service revenue, EBITDA, and free cash flow.
