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Poland 4G spectrum auction likely to be delayed until 2015

2014-06-26 14:57:12| Source:

Poland’s Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) is unlikely to hold an auction for 800-MHz and 2600-MHz 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) spectrum before next year, reports, citing local news portal RPkom. The regulator has completed two studies on the licensing and is ready to push ahead with the sale, but the government is said to want additional time to overhaul its National Broadband Plan, the ‘Digital Poland’ program, as well as the Digital Agenda for Europe goals, before the auction. UKE originally planned the 800-MHz/2600-MHz sale earlier this year, but cancelled the tender at the last minute, after a technical glitch prevented operators from accessing documents relating to the sale. Polish cellular operators are currently using 1800-MHz frequencies for their 4G LTE offerings.
