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ZTE unveils 4G Qcell platform to deliver indoor coverage

2014-09-24 10:27:20| Source:

ZTE announced a 4G active distribution platform supporting multi-frequency and multi-mode network deployment, enabling operators to offer converged networks with superior indoor performance, reported on Sept 23, 2014.

ZTE’s new 4G Qcell platform, launched at the PT/Expo Comm China 2014 conference in Beijing, uses cloud-based network coordination technology to overcome signaling leakage and interference. ZTE’s Qcell platform implements Pico remote radio unit (RRU) network construction and power supplies through standard Ethernet cables. The new platform is designed to help operators deploy low-cost and high-performance networks with integrated GSM/UMTS/LTE indoor coverage.

ZTE\'s Qcell platform uses cell combination technology to optimize contiguous indoor coverage, reduce interference from neighboring cells and lower call handoff drop rates. In addition, this platform uses cell splitting to meet increasing capacity requirements.
