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NSN to provide Zain Kuwait with complete OSS sol... 23 rd / 6 / 2014

Zain Kuwait, the country’s leading operator by subscribers, has selected equipment vendor Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN) to transform its operations by deliverin...

UK govt names eight winners of funding for ultra... 23 rd / 6 / 2014

The UK government has revealed the names of eight firms that will each receive funding for trials of ultra-high speed broadband in a number of rural areas across the...

Kazakhstan is among post-Soviet leaders in 4G pe... 23 rd / 6 / 2014

Mobile Internet in Kazakhstan has proved to be more popular than in Russia and most of the post-Soviet states,

Chunghwa Telecom enables 4G LTE on iPhone 5 23 rd / 6 / 2014

Apple rolled out software updates on Saturday so that all models of the iPhone 5 can now access the 4G LTE network, but this convenience is limited to Chunghwa Telec...

Si.mobil extends LTE network to Ljutomer area 23 rd / 6 / 2014

Slovenian mobile telephony operator Si.mobil has extended its LTE network to the Ljutomer area, covering the first of at least 225 rural sites without broadband Inte...

Moto G LTE now available at Rogers and Fido 20 th / 6 / 2014

Motorola recently announced that its Moto G has been its best-selling smartphone in Canada, with sales topping 150,000 units, reports, adding that th...