GTI 5G Radio Network Intelligence Technical Requirements White Paper_v1.2
Abbreviations 6
1 Current State and Vision for Wireless Networks 9
1.1 New Challenges 9
1.2 Concept and Status Quo of Autonomous Networks 13
2 Technical Requirements for RAN Intelligence 19
2.1 RAN Intelligence Architecture 19
2.2 Technical Requirements for RAN Intelligence 20
2.3 Technical Direction of RAN Intelligence 27
2.4 Potential Technologies for RAN Intelligence - Large Models 40
2.5 Data Requirements for Wireless NEs (OMC and Base Stations) 42
3 Use Cases of RAN Intelligence 44
3.1 Intelligent Multi-Band Coordination 44
3.2 Designated Application Experience Guarantee 45
3.3 Intelligent User Orchestration 46
3.4 Intent-driven Service Experience Guarantee 47
3.5 Intelligent Macro-Micro Collaboration 49
3.6 Live Streaming Service Experience Assurance 50
3.7 Energy Saving While Maintaining a Stable Network Performance 52
3.8 Network Fault Prevention and Prediction 53
3.9 Network intelligent abnormal status monitoring 55