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GTI 5G Metrics and Test Methods Towards XR White Paper_v1.0.0

2023-09-05 16:55:00| Source:

Introduction 8

1 Metrics of Service Quality Evaluation Towards XR 9

1.1 Overview of Service Metrics 9

1.2 Definition of Service Metrics 10

1.2.1 Presentation Quality 10

1.2.2 Interaction Quality 11

1.2.3 Source Quality 12

2 Metrics of 5G Performance Towards XR 13

2.1 Overview of 5G Metrics 13

2.2 Definition of 5G Metrics 13

2.2.1. Fame Level Metrics 13

2.2.2. I frame and P frame 14

2.2.3. Frame Delay 14

2.2.4. Frame Throughput 16

2.2.5. Frame Reliability 17

3 Equipment Capability & Test Methods Towards XR 19

3.1 Equipment Capability Requirements 19

3.1.1. Test System Architecture 19

3.1.2. Requirements for Server 19

3.1.3. Requirements for Test Terminals 19

3.1.4 Requirements for Network Equipment 20

3.2 Test Requirement 20

3.2.1. Scenario 20

3.2.2. Service 21

3.2.3. Environment 21

3.2.4. Data Processing 21

4 References 22
