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GTI 5G Device OTA Test Spec_v1.0

2019-11-22 16:32:00| Source:

1 Scope 5

2 Definitions, Symbols and Abbreviations 5

3 Reference 5

4 Test Methods 6

4.1 Anechoic Chamber 6

4.1.1 Total Radiated Power 6

4.1.2 Total Istropic Sensitivity 7

4.2 Reverberation Chamber 8

4.2.1 Reverberation chamber field distribution 8

4.2.2 General Test Methods 10

5 Transmit Performance 12

5.1 Total Radiated Power 12

5.1.1 Total Radiated Power for SA UE within FR1 12

5.1.2 Total Radiated Power for NSA UE within FR1 17

6 Receive Performance 21

6.1 Total Istropic Sensitivity 21

6.1.1 Total Istropic Sensitivity for SA UE within FR1 22

6.1.2 Total Istropic Sensitivity for NSA UE within FR1 24

Appendix A UE Classification 26

Appendix B Void 26

Appendix C Void 26

Appendix D Document Change Record 26
