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GTI White Paper of Value of 5G High Uplink in Industrial Digitalization

2020-11-18 14:34:00| Source:

1. Introduction 1

2. Industrial Digital Transformation Is Inevitable 2

2.1 Digital Economy Is Expanding Rapidly 2

2.2 5G Is a Core Driving Force of Digital Economy 3

2.3 High Uplink Is Compulsory for Digital Transformation 4

3. Typical Cases of Digital Transformation 5

3.1 Application and Value of 5G in Smart Port 5

3.1.1 Port Service Processes and Digitalization Requirements 6

3.1.2 Application Scenarios and Value of 5G High Uplink in Smart Port 7

3.2 Application and Value of 5G in Smart Steel 8

3.2.1 Steel Service Processes and Digitalization Requirements 9

3.2.2 Application Scenarios and Value of 5G High Uplink in Steel Digitalization 10

3.3 Application and Value of 5G in Smart Mining 12

3.3.1 Mining Service Processes and Digitalization Requirements 12

3.3.2 Application Scenarios and Value of 5G High Uplink in Mine Digitalization 13

4. 5G Innovative Solutions Help Enhance Uplink Capabilities 15

4.1 Dedicated Frame Structure Solution 15

4.2 Enhanced SUL Solution 16

4.3 Uplink CA Solution 17

4.4 Networking Solution 17

5. Summary and Prospect 18

Appendix: Acronyms and Abbreviations 19
