GTI Digital Twin Capabilities and Use Cases White Paper_v1.0 10 th / 12 / 2021
This white paper introduces the development overview and architecture of digital twins as well as highlights the key core capabilities necessary for the development of digital twins, further elaborates the application value of digital twins with actual cases in key vertical industries, and gives an overall outlook and suggestions for the future evolution of digital twin technology and industry development.
GTI 5G Device FunctionPerformance Test Specification_v4.2 13 th / 10 / 2021
This specification provides evaluation criteria for basic functionsperformance in the 5G test. Considering various test requirements, specific test casesmethods are designed, together with the basic requirements for each test category, number of test devices,tailored agreements.
GTI Proximity Networks Lifecycle Management Based on Digital Twin White Paper_v1.0 13 th / 10 / 2021
This white paper proposes an industry proximity network lifecycle capability system based on Digital Twin technologydevelops the industry proximity network Digital Twin Network Lifecycle Management (DT-NLM). It aims to provide referenceguidance for the industry when designing related projectsproposing solutions.
GTI Built-in Security for Telecommunication Networks White Paper-v0.1 1 st / 9 / 2021
Based on current 5G network security statusrequirements from telecom operators, this white paper provides an overview of the goalsthe architecture of 5G endogenous security, its capabilitieskey requirements. Conclusions are made to telecom operatorsequipment vendors on effective collaboration to promote the developmentadoption of 5G endogenous security.
GTI Security Guidelines for 5G-Enabled Vertical Industries_v1.0 4 th / 8 / 2021
This white paper analyzes differentiated cyber security riskssecurity solutions in the context of such 5G application scenarios as manufacturing, energy,ports, aiming to guide vertical industries on how to builddeploy appropriate cyber security capabilities, while also improving the security level of 5G applications.
GTI 5G MEC Security White Paper_v1.0 27 th / 7 / 2021
This white paper shows that MEC is most typically employed for smart factory, smart grid, smart driving, healthcare, entertainment,digital media scenarios,these industries represent the largest potential future markets for MEC.