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Slovak LTE auction raises EUR 164 mln

2014-01-10 12:56:58| Source:

The Slovak Office for the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RU) has published the results of the electronic auction for LTE frequencies in the bands 800 MHz, 1,800 MHz and 2,600 MHz. There were four auction participants, Orange Slovakia, Slovak Telekom, Swan and Telefonica Slovakia, and all the blocks on offer were successfully auctioned. The total amount to be paid for the frequencies by all licence holders is EUR 163.9 million, which is approximately 11 percent more than the reserve bid prices.

Orange gained 2x10 MHz in the 800 MHz band, 2x4.8 MHz in the 1,800 MHz band and 2x30 MHz in the 2,600 MHz band. Slovak Telekom won 2x10 MHz in the 800 MHz band, 2x40 MHz in the 2,600 MHz FDD band and 50 MHz in the 2,600 MHz TDD band. Swan gained 2x15 MHz in the 1,800 MHz band, and Telefonica Slovakia won 2x10 MHz in the 800 MHz band and 2x0.6 MHz in the 1,800 MHz band.

RU said it would publish the full auction results in line with the Auction Rules on 09 January. On 15 January, RU will organise a meeting for journalists and the public at which it will inform them about the process of preparing and the procedure for the auction.

The tender procedure started on 28 August 2013, when the predecessor of the RU, the Telecommunications Office (TUSR), published a call for tenders. The auction was carried out in the CCA (Combinatorial Clock Auction) format. TUSR issued all the licences on 30 December 2013, but they have only been published now that they are finally valid, after the appeal period expired. None of the operators appealed the results.
