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NSN tests VoLTE on China Mobile TD-LTE network

2014-02-08 17:12:23| Source:

The company Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN) has completed a set of voice tests over LTE (VoLTE) on China Mobile’s (CMCC) pre-commercial TD-LTE network, in the city of Fuzhou. The trials covered enhanced Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (eSRVCC) solution for a seamless experience and optimized behavior.

To verify VoLTE proper performance in its TD-LTE network, China Mobile set up parallel VoLTE trials with mobile broadband equipment vendors in different parts of the country. NSN completed a TDD eSRVCC video call, on Jan 4, and a set of tests on Jan 29.

A video call on an LTE network with eSRVCC allows for a high-definition call in the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), over VoLTE, which is then handed over to 2G/3G using voice continuity. This means the voice portion of the call continues seamlessly even if 4G coverage is no longer available.
