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SaskTel\'s 10 LTE network enhancements

2014-02-08 17:13:28| Source:

SaskTel has announced the completion of 10 different LTE wireless network improvement projects across the province in January to handle the growing customer demand for network coverage and capacity. SaskTel is using various infrastructure options to improve wireless service, based on usage pattern and demand. It built traditional towers across the province and is increasing capacity and coverage through other options when the traditional towers are not available because of space or other limitations, which include installing the use of carrier antennas to increase coverage strength inside buildings, or on streetlights, rooftops, or poles, as well as new cellular sites, such as towers or cellular on wheels (Cows) in various locations.

The communities that got LTE network improvements in January include: Saskatoon, Kindersley, Pinehouse, Beaufield, Esterhazy, and Prince Albert. The 4G network brings increased bandwidth with download speeds of up to 21 Mbps. With the LTE network, users can see data speeds that are approximately five times that of the 4G network. 
