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Telstra to trial Ericsson\'s Radio Dot System

2014-02-26 16:34:54| Source:

Australia\'s Telstra will prolong its LTE and 3G partnership with Swedish vendor Ericsson to include a trial of the Ericsson Radio Dot System, Telegeography reports. The Radio Dot System, a new small cell architecture designed to deliver low latency and high speeds in buildings and venues, claims to be simple to install and fully integrated with the outdoor network. It boasts a revolutionary ultra-compact antenna element, or “Dot,” that connects to standard LAN cabling and provides mobile broadband access to users.

Mike Wright, Telstra\'s executive director of networks, spoke of the potential benefits of the technology: “Telstra has established a high performance LTE network with Ericsson that our customers really value. However we still find certain locations where indoor service requires improvement either in terms of the level of signal coverage or the capacity to service a large number of users in a confined space. These areas can occur in public venues, like shopping centres, car parks, entertainment venues or office buildings. Through the trial of the Ericsson Radio Dot System, we are looking to see how it can effectively and economically enhance that experience for our customers and provide operational feedback to Ericsson on the design."
