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Huawei partners with Vodafone for five-year \'Project Spring\' deployment

2014-03-10 17:00:32| Source:

Huawei, a global information and communications technology (ICT) provider, announced last Thursday it has signed a five-year agreement with Vodafone to expand the Single Radio Access Network (SingleRAN) for the latter’s "Project Spring" Phase 1 program, across the world, has reported.

The program calls for Huawei to handle network enhancement products and services for Vodafone radio access networks, in the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, South Africa, Mozambique, Lesotho, DRC and Ghana. These will use Huawei’s industry-leading SingleRAN solutions and beam-forming Active Antenna System to expand and strengthen Vodafone’s mobile coverage, give customers more, and improve operational efficiency.

Huawei’s SingleRAN solutions will allow Vodafone to support wireless communication services on a single network infrastructure, under multiple mobile communications standards (2G, 3G, and LTE), while the beam-forming Active Antenna System will greatly simplify its antenna deployment and improve data through performance.
