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Samsung offers free music streaming service

2014-03-10 17:12:38| Source:

Samsung, the South Korean smartphone maker, has introduced a free music streaming service called Milk Music, reports. The service includes over 200 radio stations and 13 million songs and is now only available on its Galaxy range of smartphones in the United States.

Music streaming is viewed as a key area of growth and many firms have been keen to tap into its potential. Samsung is entering a crowded market  that has players like Spotify, Pandora and Apple\'s iTunes Radio. Some of these streaming services can be used on any mobile device, unlike Samsung\'s version.

However, the South Korean firm said it was still confident it will attract users. "We feel that while the music space is very competitive there is room for improvement," said Daren Tsui, vice president of music at Samsung Media Solutions.

Samsung said its new service would be free to download and have no advertisements for a "limited time".

The firm has launched a music streaming service called Music Hub in 2012, which was shut down recently.
