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Global 700M alliance initiative proposed in Barcelona

2014-03-11 15:44:16| Source:

Huawei, a global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider,  announced worldwide adoption of the 700MHz mobile broadband spectrum would significantly speed up with the formation of the Global 700M Industry Alliance, an initiative intended to encourage global development of 700M technologies and supply chains.

With high relevance for rural wide coverage and urban indoor coverage, due to low-frequency transmissions, 700MHz will help operators greatly reduce initial network construction costs and shorten time to LTE deployment.

As of January 2014, more than 30 countries have announced plans to deploy LTE on 700MHz, with five or more APT700 networks due to be deployed in 2014.

A larger scale Global 700M Alliance seminar involving an even wide range of ecosystem players is being planned in Shanghai, based on inputs from all key participants, immediately before the start of Mobile Asia Expo.
