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Google enables Android for more wearables

2014-03-11 15:51:27| Source:

Google is going to release a software development kit soon which will allow developers to create wearable devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers using the Android operating system, reports.

Google\'s senior vice-president of Android, Chrome and apps, Sundar Pichai said: "We want to develop a set of common protocols by which they can work together." The kit will be available in two weeks\' time, he added.

Samsung\'s Galaxy Gear smartwatch used to run a version of Android - but due to concerns over its interface and battery life, it switched to the Tizen software platform for its latest watch, the Gear 2.

Google Glass is the company\'s main foray into wearables so far. The device includes eyeglass frames equipped with a camera and small display controlled by voice commands. The product is not yet on general sale but is being tested by selected people.

"Google is taking wearables seriously and it wants everyone else to," said John Delaney, vice-president of mobility research at analyst firm IDC.

"The industry thinks wearables is the next big thing, as sales of smartphones are starting to plateau in developed markets and this is the latest attempt to build momentum behind it," he said.

"Google would be a competitor in the market but also an enabler if it helps Android developers."
