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Algeria to launch fixed LTE in May

2014-03-19 16:49:37| Source:

Algeria’s state-owned operator, Algerie Telecom (AT), is planning to launch fixed-wireless Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology in May 2014, while mobile 4G will be introduced in late 2015, TeleGeography reports, quoting Agence Ecofin. Zorha Derdouri, Algeria’s Minister of Posts, Information Technology and Communication, said that the launch of the fixed mode service ‘illustrates the willingness of the government to include Algeria in a dynamic construction of the information society and digital economy.’

Back in June 2013, AT Group CEO Azouaou Mehmel said in an interview with Algerie Press Service (APS) that commercial LTE technology would be introduced by the end of 2013, and that business customers would be the initial target group because of the high cost. He added that the tender for the acquisition of LTE equipment was worth an estimated 40 million euro ($53.42 million).
