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Gaming enthusiasts head to mobile games event

2014-03-28 13:51:58| Source:

Some of the biggest gaming enthusiasts attended the launch of the Global Mobile Games Conference in Beijing on Wednesday. Third annual Global Mobile Games Conference, which is being held at the China National Convention Center, is attracting thousands of visitors and features more than 250 domestic and international speakers.

Mobile games industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in China. According to industry data, China\'s video game industry raked in more than $13 billion in 2013. Out of that, mobile games accounted for $1.8 billion. Mobile games are expected to continue to post good revenue growth in the future.


Visitors at the 3rd Global Mobile Game Congress in Beijing, March 27, 2014.


A girl cosplays an ancient soldier at the 3rd Global Mobile Game Congress in Beijing, March 27, 2014.


A mobile gaming device is pictured at the 3rd Global Mobile Game Congress in Beijing, March 27, 2014
