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Globecomm announces launch of two new LTE customers

2014-05-16 15:29:27| Source:

Global communications services provider, Globecomm has announced that customers Adams NetWorks and Chariton Valley have commercially launched LTE services to their customers leveraging Globecomm\'s Hosted LTE services, reports.

Adams, a regional telecommunications company providing Internet, voice and video services, is now offering its customers in Illinois a full LTE fixed broadband service with higher speeds. Adams is one of Globecomm\'s first carriers to deploy an LTE hosted hybrid model. Globecomm is hosting the core equipment at its Hauppauge, New York facility with the company\'s Converged Packet Gateway (CPG) located at Adams\' Quincy data centre.

Chariton Valley, a locally-owned and operated communications carrier in Northeastern Missouri, has launched a fully commercial service for home network subscribers on 700 MHz through Globecomm\'s hosted LTE service. Chariton Valley has been working with Globecomm since 2011 to both reconfigure and expand its network.
