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CNT preparing 4G smartphone packages for July

2014-05-26 16:15:46| Source:

Ecuadorian government-owned full-service operator Corporacion Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT) will open 4G smartphone packages, with handsets from Huawei, Samsung and Alcatel, in July or August, reports, citing local newspaper El Universo.

CNT’s 4G LTE mobile broadband network went live for pre-paid and post-paid users in March 2014 in Quito, Guayaquil and other major urban areas, following a limited launch in the fourth quarter of 2013.

The operator currently offers LTE access via data-only devices, including a range of dongle modems and Mi-Fi ‘mobile hotspot’ routers, from Alcatel and Huawei, but has not begun marketing 4G directly to smartphone owners, although a Mi-Fi router can connect up to five devices including smartphones.
