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Telenor Norway says 4G grid covers 70% of population

2014-05-26 15:55:25| Source:

Telenor Norway has reported that it has 1,200 new 4G base stations, and that 200 municipal areas will get LTE on frequencies it got at the 800-MHz auction, in December 2013, before the summer holidays, tells us, quoting coverage director Bjorn Amundsen as explaining that the rate has gone from 52 percent of the people, when Telenor started deployment in March, to 70 percent now. Amundsen said this rate of coverage is unique in Norway and it is keeping its tempo of 20-100 LTE site deployments per week.

Next year, it intends to have 90 percent of the people in its 4G coverage and that it is the only operator in the country to run LTE on at least two frequencies - 1,800-MHz and 800-MHz - and, if needed, it uses 2,600-MHz as well, which has a shorter reach but greater capacity.
