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Telstra working on a blazingly fast category 9 4G/LTE spec

2014-05-27 17:30:37| Source:

Less than a month ago, Telstra announced plans for a new Category 6 4G/LTE modem with peak 300-Mbps download speeds. Now, the has operator confirmed that it’s looking beyond Category 6 to the Category 9 spec, capable of 450-Mbps down, writes.

In addressing investors on the future of its mobile networks, Telstra confirmed that it is working on the Category 9 spec and that it hopes to have it available within three years. To reach those (theoretical) speeds, Telstra will use carrier aggregation to fuse three 4G networks — the 700-MHz, 1,800-MHz, and an as yet unknown network — got the best possible download capacity.
