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Orga Systems and DigitalRoute announce global partnership

2014-05-28 15:58:17| Source:

Software vendor Orga Systems and DigitalRoute have announced a partnership in which Orga Systems will extend its product portfolio with DigitalRoute\'s MediationZone platform, providing a combined, scalable active mediation offering for all tiers of communications services providers (CSPs), says.

MediationZone bridges the components of any type of network architecture and provides functionality that allows systems to communicate with each other. With Orga Systems\' Gold Convergent Charging and Billing (Gold CCB) and embedded policy and charging control personalized services, application-based charging and new services such as shared data bundles or tiered offerings for high-end LTE access can be launched with faster time-to-market and without synchronizing multiple data flows. A single rating and rules engine ensures full monetization of data services providing a unified real-time view of customer data.
