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China Mobile gets 3G and 4G licenses In Pakistan

2014-06-04 15:47:48| Source:

Pakistan’s prime-minister, Nawaz Sharif, recently issued 3G and 4G licenses to CMPak, China Mobile\'s Pakistan subsidiary, in Islamabad, writes, and goes on to quote Sharif as saying that Pakistan has over 132 million mobile users and that they will soon be able to experience the most advanced mobile communications technologies.

He added that issuing the 3G and 4G licenses means INR260 billion (about $2.6 billion) in revenues for Pakistan annually. And that it will create more job opportunities.

Pakistan’s Telecommunication Authority held 3G and 4G license auctions on April 23, 2014, with three local carriers getting 3G licenses, and CMPak getting both a 3G license and a 4G license, the only one, making the company the only carrier to operate both 3G and 4G in the entire country.
