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Swan meets LTE frequency usage requirement

2014-07-07 15:35:26| Source:

Slovak operator Swan, which gained an LTE frequency license for 2 x 15 MHz in the 1800 MHz band at auction at the end of 2013, announced that it has started using the awarded frequencies, and has thus met the license obligation to do so by July 8, reports on July 4, 2014. Its investments range between EUR 50 and EUR 100 million, and it is starting to proceed from the preparatory stage to the implementation stage. The operator conducted LTE testing in Trnava, Nitra and Pezinok, beginning to use the frequencies before the deadline of July 8 required by its license.

Another binding date under the license is the end of 2015, by which time Swan has to cover 25 percent of the population with its own network. Coverage growth will depend on the speed of acquisitions and construction of base stations. The launch of services is planned for autumn 2014, and the operator has developed a portfolio of services for customers in several segments. The operator expects that by the end of 2015, it will have 200,000 active SIM cards. Swan\'s total customer base target is over 500,000 customers.
