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LTE TDD now used in 39 networks in 26 countries - GSA

2014-08-13 15:18:37| Source:

There are currently 39 LTE TDD (TD-LTE) networks in commercial operation in 26 countries, or around one in eight LTE operators, according to the Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA), reported on Aug 12, 2014. Another 48 operators are currently deploying or planning networks. Other operators are undertaking technology trials and studies, increasing the number of operators investing in LTE TDD technology to almost 120. Among the current total of 39 commercially launched LTE TDD networks, 13 operators are using converged systems of both LTE TDD and LTE FDD.

There has also been rapid expansion among user devices, especially smartphones. Of the 1,889 LTE user devices that have been introduced to the market, 530 (28 percent) products, 330 more than a year ago, can operate in LTE TDD mode. LTE TDD products are available from 85 device manufacturers. Some 35 percent of LTE TDD devices are smartphones and 38 percent are routers, compared to 10 percent and 52 percent a year ago. A total of 184 LTE TDD smartphones have been announced, 87 percent more than in March 2014, according to GSA president Alan Hadden.
