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Mobily selects NSN to upgrade network 23 rd / 1 / 2014

Saudi operator Mobily has selected Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN) to upgrade its 2G, 3G (WCDMA) and TD-LTE networks in the country\'s central region, including...

Polkomtel and Cyfrowy Polsat’s LTE network cover... 23 rd / 1 / 2014

Polish mobile operators Polkomtel and Cyfrowy Polsat cover 66.7 percent of the population (26 million people) with their LTE network, reported on We...

Telecom NZ wins final 700MHz block bid 23 rd / 1 / 2014

During the New Zealand government’s auction of the remaining 2x5MHz block of 700MHz radio spectrum, Telecom Mobile won the final lot by paying NZ$83 million ($69 mil...

Huawei accomplishes interoperability test for Ul... 22 nd / 1 / 2014

A successful interoperability test (IOT) for an Ultra-Flash Circuit-Switched Fallback (CSFB) solution has been achieved by Huawei and Qualcomm Technologies chipsets...

SLT demonstrates LTE service in Ruwanwella 22 nd / 1 / 2014

To echo the Deyata Kirula national development program to be held in February this year, Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) demonstrated its LTE Internet in Ruwanwella recently...

China Telecom launches 4G terminal procurement t... 22 nd / 1 / 2014

China Telecom Corp Ltd, the nation\'s smallest wireless network operator, launched its first round of procurement tender for fourth-generation terminals on Jan 21, w...