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Avantel selects NSN for LTE network in Colombia 21 st / 1 / 2014

Colombia’s Avantel has selected Nokia Solutions and Networks to supply the complete infrastructure for its LTE network. As part of deal, NSN will provide the complet...

SK Telecom unveils LTE-Advanced 3 band Carrier A... 21 st / 1 / 2014

South Korea\'s SK Telecom has unveiled “LTE-Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (CA)” technology that aggregates 3 bands 20MHz+10MHz +10MHz. This technology will sup...

Movistar passes 1m subs, plans LTE launch in H1... 21 st / 1 / 2014

Spanish-backed cellco Movistar Costa Rica intends to launch 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) services in the first half of 2014, BNamericas writes, citing a statement fr...

Orange, Bouygues test fixed 4G in rural areas 21 st / 1 / 2014

Orange France and Bouygues Telecom are testing fixed wireless 4G for voice and data services in rural areas, Les Echos reports.

Swan negotiates national roaming for LTE 21 st / 1 / 2014

Mobile portal has run an interview with Swan\'s general director Miroslav Strecansky and its board chairman Juraj Ondris, after the fourth operator cau...

NSN pledges support for China as world innovatio... 20 th / 1 / 2014

Nokia Solutions and Networks CEO Rajeev Suri met with Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang in Beijing and pledged to help China position itself as a world innovation hub