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DiGi spending big on network enhancements in 2014

2014-03-10 16:25:22| Source:

Malaysia’s mobile network operator DiGi Telecommunications is said to have set aside MYR900 million ($276 million) in capital for expanding and strengthening its infrastructure, Telegeography reported last Friday, quoting Sun Daily.

In commenting on the investment plans, DiGi’s chief operating officer, Albern Murty, was quoted as saying, “This spending will be to increase our high-speed packet access (HSPA) and 3G coverage to 86 percent of the population, raising our LTE footprint to 1,500 sites, as well as expanding our fiber network.”

Murty said that the money represented the largest sum spent in recent years and confirmed that DiGi had spent approximately MYR1.5 billion on modernizing and expanding its network over the last two years.

Under DiGi’s network transformation plan, the story is that it replaced every electronic part at more than 5,500 sites with new equipment, expanded its HSPA and 3G network to more than 80 percent of the people, and increased its own and jointly built fiber network to more than 3,200-km nationwide.
