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Orange France LTE network covers more than half of population

2014-05-04 16:08:56| Source:

Orange France\'s LTE network now covers 58 percent of the French people, up from 50 percent in January, according to, citing Univers Freebox, and explaining that, at the beginning of April, the operator said it had more than 6,000 4G base stations, in at least 1,300 French cities, covering 55 percent of the population. It currently covers 98.7 percent of the population with 3G/3G+ and 77 percent with H+.

Univers Freebox also notes that Bouygues Telecom covers 69 percent of the people with 4G, and SFR, 40 percent, while Free aims to cover 50 percent by the end of the year.
