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Warid seeking 4G LTE go-ahead

2014-05-05 15:43:25| Source:

To compete with winners of the 3G/4G license, Warid Telecom has asked the Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) to allow it to provide 4G long-term evolution service (LTE), reports Daily Times, which notes that a senior Telecommunication Ministry official said, “PTA is reviewing the request sent by Warid Telecom to start 4G service without obtaining any new license and the outcome will depend on assurance of proper coverage, quality of service, enhanced monitoring requirements, and commencement permissions, as contained in the license issued to Warid in 2004.”

The spokesman added that Warid need not obtain a new license for its 4G services in the country or a commencement certificate from the PTA. Warid currently has around 9-megahertz spectrum that is can run the 4G technology, and has installed long-term evaluation technology at important points across the country and has made 4G SIMs available for subscribers.
