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China Mobile and Nokia deliver ultra-fast 4G services at high-octane racing event

2014-07-03 15:27:48| Source:

China Mobile and Nokia became the first to deliver TD-LTE services at one of the world’s showcase racing events in Shanghai. With Nokia’s technical expertise, its Global Services portfolio, and its high-capacity Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Stations, the operator was able to ensure uninterrupted service availability throughout the event.

From the communications perspective, it was critical to create a network capable of addressing the uplink traffic expected to be generated by 200,000 people who attended the 3-day event (April 18 – April 20). Undeterred by the circumstances, Nokia, as the sole provider of CMCC’s network for the race, stepped up to the challenge and set another benchmark by deploying the world’s first live TD-LTE network for an event of this scale.

This TD-LTE network was implemented with Nokia’s award-winning Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Stations, along with Smart Scheduler for optimizing cell capacity and network efficiency. In fact, the Smart Scheduler is a very important element in the mix of things in terms of managing mass events. It plays a crucial role in managing uplink interference, signaling capacity, control channel dimensioning and load balancing – factors that are at the heart of ensuring seamless communications in the face of extremely high data traffic.
