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Macau launches 4G tender; bid deadline 18 November

2014-09-18 16:03:15| Source:

According to on Sept 17, 2014, the government of Macau launched a public tender for 4G LTE mobile network operating licenses on 15 September 2014, offering four concessions with eight-year durations which become valid early next year. Potential bidders can submit questions on the tender by 6 October to the Bureau of Telecommunications Regulation (Direccao dos Servicos de Regulacao de Telecomunicacoes, DSRT), which will respond by 17 October. Proposals for license bids must be submitted to the DSRT by 18 November, and the regulator will open them the following day, according to the announcement (issued in Executive Order 40/2014). License winners will be expected to launch 4G LTE (FDD and/or TDD) mobile broadband services covering 50% of Macau’s territory by the end of 2015, rising to 100% in 2016.
