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Details of 2500MHz auction released as 700MHz sa... 14 th / 1 / 2014

In the lead-up to the country’s 700MHz 4G licence auction on 14 January 2014, Industry Canada has released further details of the 2500MHz licence auction to follow

Maxis launches prepaid LTE services 14 th / 1 / 2014

Malaysian communications provider Maxis has launched Hotlink 4G, which offers prepaid LTE services under Maxis\' prepaid brand

ZTE achieves PCE breakthrough 14 th / 1 / 2014

ZTE Corporation,a global provider of telecommunications equipment, network solutions and mobile devices, complete the demonstration of an industry-first PCE control...

SWAN paid EUR6.6m for LTE license 13 th / 1 / 2014

Following the earlier announcement that four operators had won new 4G mobile frequency licenses in Slovakia, including the three incumbents and new entrant SWAN

Tele2 wins third 800MHz LTE block 13 th / 1 / 2014

The Estonian Technical Surveillance Authority (ETSA), in a press release on 7 January 2014, announced that Tele2 Eesti has won the country’s third block of digital d...

Vodafone Germany confirms higher smartphone sale... 13 th / 1 / 2014

Vodafone Germany announced that smartphones accounted for 86 percent of all handset purchases made by its customers in 2013. This increased to 90 percent over the Ch...