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CTU report charts launch of 116 LTE base stations in April

2014-05-20 16:16:53| Source:

Czech regulator CTU has published its monthly monitoring report, which includes information on LTE base stations, TV interference due to LTE signals, withdrawal of T-DAB licenses, price calculator accreditation and statistics on administrative procedures led by CTU, reports.

By the end of April, 116 LTE base stations in the 800 MHz band were launched into trial operation.

During the month, the operator only investigated one case of reported TV interference from a strong LTE signal. An LTE operator removed the interference using a TV antenna filter.

CTU withdrew a total of 12 licenses for using frequencies in the 1,452-1,492 MHz band (L-band) for digital terrestrial radio broadcasting T-DAB. The license holder did not meet the license requirements and did not start using the awarded frequencies within the required period of two years from validity of the license.

At the end of April, CTU completed the accreditation procedure of the new price calculator Korektel for mobile Internet and fixed Internet services. The price calculator Tarifomat did not meet the prescribed technical criteria.

In April, CTU initiated 3,291 administrative proceedings in user disputes and issued 11,349 decisions, of which 11,335 decisions were related to payment price for services.
