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Orange promotes LTE at festival with charity donations

2014-07-14 14:35:00| Source:

Orange Slovakia is offering access to its LTE network during the Slovak music festival Bazant Pohoda, reported on July 11, 2014. The total volume of data transmitted during the festival was 673 GB in 2013, but the operator is aiming for a transmission of 1,000 GB during this year\'s event. If festival visitors reach their data-transmission goal, Orange promises to double its charitable aid to NGOs. The operator’s charity will be represented by the visitors planting sunflowers in the Garden of Optimists at Optimistan - a tent installed by the Orange Foundation that will host discussions and other cultural programs for festival visitors. Orange Foundation will give3 EUR to selected NGOs for each planted sunflower. Those who do not own a device supporting LTE can borrow a Huawei tablet to test it.
