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Movistar Colombia launches 4G in Villavicencio, Cumaral

2014-09-15 16:45:52| Source:

Movistar Colombia has launched its 4G LTE service in Villavicencio and Cumaral, reported on Sept 12, 2014. Movistar already provides 4G LTE services in Bogota, Cali, Bucaramanga, Medellin, Barranquilla, Santa Marta, Popayan, Pasto, Manizales, Cartagena, Sincelejo, Cucuta, Riohacha, Armenia, Quibdo, San Andres and Soacha, among others. Movistar Colombia is owned by Spanish telecoms firm Telefonica. The telco had nearly 12.3 million mobile subscribers by the end of the second quarter of the year.
