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Sonatel launches LTE pilot in Dakar, Saly

2014-09-25 14:27:11| Source:

Sonatel (Orange Senegal) began pilot LTE services in the city of Saly, on Sept 20, following a successful pilot run in Dakar, in October, announced, on Sept 24, explaining that Sonatel is offering the service with the telecom regulator ARTP’s approval. It has already upgraded 40 sites to LTE, including nearly 10 in the "Petite Cote" area (Mbour, Saly, Somone, Ndiass and Ngaparou) and the others in Dakar. LTE is available on all of Orange\'s mobile data plans and pilot participants need only a compatible device and an invitation to use the pilot service to get sent a new Sim card, until the service becomes available to all customers.
